21 February 2014
Review of the day: XXL-ROCK (german)

XXL-ROCK honoured D:REI with the highest possible mark:

"Wow - I am totally flabbergasted! What an Album!"
"Wow - ich bin total geplättet! Was für ein Album!"

Read the full review (german) here

19 February 2014
love from Austria

SLAM ALTERNATIVE MUSIC MAGAZINE (Austria) #72 is going on sale today. D:REI is one of the top-albums of the month ("sweet 16"); you can find an enthusiastic review in the mag, also a BSR-Story/Interview and their monthly compilation-CD includes our track "Give Gravitation to the People"

"with this live-recorded album BLACK SPACE RIDERS are blossoming out from an insider´s tip to the absolute ´must'"

„BLACK SPACE RIDERS mausern sich mit diesem live eingespielten Album vom Geheimtipp zum absoluten Muss"

17 February 2014
Tracings of time and reflections: an interview with BLACK SPACE RIDERS

Please read the full length interview right here:
Pete interviewed BLACK SPACE RIDERS for "The Ringmaster"

13 February 2014
Live-Video-Snippet from january´s Release-Show in Cologne

BLACK SPACE RIDERS live @ MTC Cologne in january 2014. This is a real live and rough one. Please enjoy and if you like it share it around ...
BSR: Bang Boom War live-snippet from MTC Ciologne

13 February 2014
ECLIPSED MAGAZINE ... lovely review and CD-track

German Prog-Psyche-Rock-Magazine Eclipsed loves D:REI (8/10) and is featuring our track "Letter to a young one" on the beautiful february-compilation-CD.

"There is really no weak point on the album ... compliment."

"Es gibt tatsächlich keinen Schwachpunkt auf dem Album ... Kompliment."